
Gde je tim SKY izgubio Vueltu?

Evo već drugi Grand Tour sezone se završava sa dvojicom vozača na podijumu iz iste ekipe. Prvo je to bio Leopard Treka na Turu, a sada je to SKY na Vuelti. Svi smo gledali Tour i svi smo videli zašto su se braća Šlek našla iza Evansa na podijumu u Parizu.

Čekali su jedan drugog i na kraju su se dočekali na drugoj i trećoj poziciji. Krizirali su u različito vreme: Endi u Pirinejima a Frenk u Alpima i preračunali su se na hronometru. Ispostavilo se da 1min nije dovoljan protiv raspoloženog i iskusnog Evansa koji je preuzimao odgovornost na sebe u odlučujućim trenutcima trke.

Sa ekipom SKY i Vueltom je to malo drugačije. Mnogi će reći da su izgubili trku na startu u Benidormu kada nisu imali sreće na ekipnom hronometru kada su izgubili 42sek u odnosu na pobednički Leopard Trek tim. Ja bih rekao da je to bilo još ranije, jer je pobednik Vuelta, na prvoj etapi kasnio još 2sek na postavljeno vreme SKY tima.

Vuelta je ipak taktički izgubljena na La Manzaneda usponu kada je Kris namerno stao da bi prepustio Viginsu majicu na prvoj etapi posle drugog dana odmora. Trideset sekundi je, Britanac poreklom iz Kenije, u crvenoj majici kasnio za svojim timskim kolegom. Ispostaviće se kasnije kobnih 30sek. Ne verujem da tada nije mogao da drži grupu u kojoj su bili Vigins i Kobo, jer je već narednih dana na mnogo težim brdima i zahtevnijim etapama išao ponekad bolje i od Koba a od Viginska svakako.

Svaki biciklista zna da na brdu nema čekanja i da ko ima snage i dobre noge ide. Kris je bio stopiran na Angliru da pomogne Viginsu, a kada je dobio zeleno svetlo, što mi nismo mogli da vidimo na TV-u jer je od težine uspona i kamerman na motoru završio na leđima u kanalu, tada je već bilo kasno. Kobo je otišao i napravio dovoljnu prednost za pobedu na čitavoj trci.

SKY ekipa je u svom nastajanju bila osuđena na jednu ovako izgubljenu trku. Iako je zvanično trka izgubljena sa samo 13 sek za koje se Kris From borio kao lav u poslednjim danima, u tih majušnih 13 sekundi staje zaista mngo. Kao što sam već rekao sve ovo se možda desilo na tronedeljnoj trci ali je trka izgubljena u postavci tima jer je čitava ekipa oformljena oko Bredlija Viginsa. Ko je sad Kristofer From? Kako objasniti Britancima da u njihovom najvećem timu lidersku ulogu ima vozač iz Afrike, i da je on bolji od njihovog najboljeg vozača? Jednostavno. Upravo kako smo i videli na trci: pokazati svetu da i od njih ima neko bolji.

Umesto da nekoliko dana Kris nosi majicu i da ostali timovi razmišljaju ko je zaista lider u ekipi i ko je u boljoj formi, Britanci su onako džentlmenski odmah pokazali čitavom svetu novi aprathejd unutar profesionalnog tima. Svesno ili ne izgubili su sve.


Lost Vuelta for Team SKY - Why?

Here's the second Grand Tour of the season ends with two drivers on the podium from the same team. First it was Leopard Trek on the Tour, and now the Vuelta to SKY. We all watched the Tour and we all see why the Schleck brothers found behind Evans on the podium in Paris. They waited for each other and eventually they met on the second and third position. They lost power at different times: Andy in the Pyrenees and Frank in the Alps and miscalculated the chronometer. It turns out that 1 min is not enough against an experienced and cheerful Evans who took the responsibility upon himself in the decisive moments of the race.

With a team SKY and the Vuelta it is a bit different. Many will say that they have lost the race on start at Benidorm, when they had no luck on the team when they lost the chronometer 42sek compared to winning Leopard Trek time. I would say that it was even earlier, as the winner of the Vuelta, have 2sek slower time than Team SKY.

Vuelta, however, was lost at La Manzaneda climb, when Chris Froome began to intentionally left Wiggins shirt to the first stage after the second day of vacation. Thirty seconds  was Chris behind team leader. Prove to be fatal later 30sec. I do not believe that then was unable to keep the group consisting of the Wiggins and Cobo, because the next day on a much more difficult and demanding stages, he was better than Cobo and the Wiggins, of course.

Every cyclist knows that there is no waiting on the hill and who has the strength and good legs going away. Chris has been stopped to help Wiggins on the Angliru, and when he got the green light, which we could not see on TV because of the difficulty rises and cameraman on a motorbike finished on the ground, then it was too late. Cobo was far away, and made a sufficient advantage to win the whole race.

SKY team in its emerging doomed to such a lost race. Although officially lost the race only 13 seconds for that Chris fought like a lion on the last stages. As I have said all this may happen on Grand Tour, but they lost the race in a team setting, because the whole team was formed about Bradley Wiggins. Who is Christopher Froom? How to explain to the British people, that in their biggest team leadership role goes to man from Africa, and that he is better than their best driver? Simple. Just as we saw in the race: to show the world that one more rider has better legs.

Instead of a few days Chris wears a shirt and that other teams think who is really leading the team and who is in better shape, the British gentleman's way immediately showed the world a new apartheid within a professional team. Consciously or not they have lost everything.

(Đorđe Pejković)

O autoru
Đorđe Pejković
Đorđe Pejković - EUROSPORT cycling commentator
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