Alberto Kontador će čekati presudu najmanje još 6 nedelja
Najviši sportski sud za arbitražu CAS završio je četvorodnevno saslušanje u vezi slučaja Alberta Kontadora u četvrtak 24.XI 2011. godine, a španski vozač sada mora da sačeka odluku do sledeće godine.
Kontador je izneo završnu reč, pred sudom za arbitraž u vezi sa njegovim slučajem konzumiranja teletine koja je kasnije uzrokovala pozitivan test na klenbuterol u izuzetno malim količinama.
Metju Reb (Matthieu Reeb), generalni sekretar CAS-a izjavio je: „Alberto je govorio nekih 15 minuta a slučaju je pristupio veoma ozbiljno. Bio je prisutan na svim saslušanjima i učestvovao u svim raspravama“. Reb je još dodao da je potrebno 6 do 8 nedelja kako bi sud doneo i obrazložio zvaničnu odluku povodom ovog slučaja.
Kontador nije davao nikakve izjave nakon napuštanja sudnice, dok je sa svojim pravnim timom ušao pravo u taksi. I pravnici WADA-e i UCI-ja nisu ništa komentarisali nakon saslušanja.
Ukoliko bude proglašen krivim Kontador će izgubiti titulu osvojenu na prošlogodišnjem Turu, kao i sve pobede ostvarene ove godine.
Prema navodima španskih medija Kontador je, bez prisustva novinara u sudnici, unakrsno ispitivan još u sredu 23.XI 2011, a zvaničnici CAS-a su zatražili od umešanih strana da prestanu da odaju informacije medijima.
Oko 20 svedoka je bilo pozvano da svedoči u prostorijama Olimpijskog Komiteta u Lozani. Među njima je bio i španski mesar koji je tvrdio da je u svojoj radnji u Irunu prodao teleći biftek > LINK Albertovom prijatelju. Takođe je saslušan i Luis Rovner (Louis Rovner), američki ekspert za poligrafe koji je obavio test na detektoru laži nad Albertom Kontadorom, kao i njegovim bivšim timskim kolegama iz tima Astana Bendžaminom Novalom i Paolom Tiralongom.
Ekspertski svedoci pozvani od strane WADA-e i UCI-a su bili australijskinaučnik Mihael Ašened (Michael Ashened), koji je analizirao Kontadorove testove krvi, i Hans Gejer (Hans Geyer) iz laboratorije u Kelnu, koja je i otkrila malu količinu klenbuterola u Albertovim uzorcima urina. WADA tvrdi da je klenbuterol ubačen transfuzijom krvi, 20-21 jula prošle godine, što oni smatraju dopingom.
Odluku će doneti tri iskusne CAS sudije. Predsednik: Izraelac Efram Barak (Efraim Barak), nemački profesor prava Ulrih Has (Ulrich Haas), i ženevski advokat Kventin Birn-Saton (Quentin Byrne-Sutton). Kontadorov pravni tim odabrao je Nemca dok su ostalu dvojicu predložili WADA i UCI, koji čini se da polako gube bitku sa Albertom > LINK
Alberto Contador must wait six to eight weeks for Cas doping verdict
Sport's highest court completed a four-day hearing into Alberto Contador's doping case on Thursday, and the Spanish rider must now wait until early next year to find out if he will be stripped of the 2010 Tour de France title.
Contador made a final, personal appeal to the court of arbitration for sport (Cas) panel to complete his defence that eating contaminated steak caused his positive tests for clenbuterol during his third Tour victory.
Matthieu Reeb, the secretary general of Cas, said: "He spoke for about 15 minutes. He took the case very seriously. He was present for all the case and attended all the discussions." Reeb said the three-man panel would need "six to eight weeks" to reach a verdict and explain its decision.
Contador did not comment as he left court with members of his legal team and got into a taxi. Lawyers for the International Cycling Union (UCI) and the World Anti-Doping Agency (Wada) also declined to comment.
Cycling's governing body and Wada appealed to Cas for Contador to be given a two-year ban after he was cleared by a Spanish cycling federation tribunal last February. If found guilty, Contador can expect to receive a two-year ban and be stripped of his 2010 Tour win and other victories, including the 2011 Giro d'Italia triumph. He finished fifth in this year's Tour de France.
Contador was cross-examined on Wednesday, according to reports in Spanish newspapers which had published daily updates of evidence presented in the closed-door sessions. The Spanish media also reported that the Cas panel asked for those involved in the case to stop leaking information.
About 20 witnesses were called to testify in sessions held mostly at the International Olympic Committee headquarters in Lausanne. They included the Spanish butcher who claims he sold the steak to a friend of Contador from his store in Irún; Louis Rovner, an American polygraph expert who performed a lie detector test on Contador; and the rider's former Astana team-mates Benjamín Noval and Paolo Tiralongo.
Expert witness called by Wada and the UCI included the Australian scientist Michael Ashenden, to analyse results from Contador's blood samples, and Hans Geyer from the laboratory at Cologne, Germany, that found the tiny amount of clenbuterol in his urine samples from the Tour.
Wada was expected to argue that the fat-burning, muscle-building drug was reintroduced into Contador's body on 20-21 July last year by a blood transfusion, which itself would have been a doping offence.
The decision now rests with three experienced Cas arbitrators: the Israeli chairman Efraim Barak, the German law professor Ulrich Haas and the Geneva-based lawyer Quentin Byrne-Sutton. Contador's team nominated Haas to the panel. The UCI and Wada nominated Byrne-Sutton and the court appointed Barak.
(Đorđe Pejković)